-A pitch is an overview of a project that you put to / send to an agent in hopes that they will be intrigued enough to ask for the whole manuscript.


-An elevator pitch is exactly the same but done in person with a very short time limit – hence the elevator (you only have a one stop gap to talk).

Let’s take a deeper look at the word PITCH and what necessities are needed.

  • Fast
  • Direct to the point
  • Show the whole story
  • Protagonist
  • Antagonist
  • O.V (point of view the story’s written from)
  • Your name


  • An intro of something like;
  • Good morning, (smile)
  • I’m ______ and I’ve written a (genre) book I would like to pitch to you.
  • This way, at least if they don’t have time, they will still have your name and genre. (don’t forget to leave a calling/business card with your details on)
  • As for condensing the story, try this;


  • P – plan – a rough outline of you project
  • I – imagination – spur their imagination
  • T – time – what era is it set in and what’s it like?
  • C – Cone – you have to lead them to the centre of your story fast so think of a cone and start with the big picture but bring it to the heart fast.
  • H – heart – you need heart! Faith in your self and a little confidence go a long way. Never give up!

Well, I hope this has helped everyone.

Hearts and kisses

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