Here’s the BIG question;

How do writers make magic real?

I find there are a few things that can trick the mind into allowing the fantasy of magic to be relatable and in some such terms, viable.
1 Try to use old language if you intend to write your spells or incantations in your written work. Things like Latin and Gaelic combinations are very common – as they appear recognisable to our brains and yet they are developed into a fantastical language all of its own.
2 Try writing the characters spells/ chants. If you don’t feel comfortable with that why not explain the details of a fictitious ceremony – like a coming of age tradition. Maybe put a word to a particular spell, only having the character say that spell and then describing what it does. Do not translate for the reader unless you wish to, show the reader the spells effect.
3 Maybe you can add a ritual – and no, this has nothing to do with ‘black magic’ but the ritual as in a sequence of movements, words and objects- much like an instruction manual. For instance, it can be as simple as you’re parents washing up after tea saying- “Wash, wash, wash. That’s all I ever do!”
4 Then there is the outcome, the effect a spell or magic has in your writing. Whether its rippling wind that uproots trees and has them spinning over head or the simplicity of a door locking. You must describe these events to immerse the reader. As writers we usually over emphasise the effect of these spells and magic to the very boundaries of our believability, just to add that ‘super power’ effect.
So, when you try writing about magic why not give some of these tips a shot?
Hearts and kisses

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