Its #summerreading time so fill up you #Kindle stock up on #paperbacks and have the adventure of a lifetime your friends will all envy – without even leaving home.
Books are mesmerising objects filled of magical words sewn through the story by the author.
The magic begins when you read the first sentence and find yourself transported into a world of the authors fabrication, one you can wholly immerse yourself in and find like-minded characters who become book friends and help you with life situations as you travel with them through their trials and tribulations.
Each book read or heard imparts a piece of knowledge, a core emotion related to an event, whether it’s a factual novel of fiction somewhere in there is a piece of advice, however small. It may be imparted through a character’s memories in the back story, in a test they have to overcome or even in a discussion they have with a parent or friend.
Next time you read a book why not see if you can find one of these little gems whether its “I told you to look both ways before you walk” – this one being very straight forwards, or ‘having never seen a dragon before Zane matched up to it, surprised when it roared back in a bellow of flames.”- this one is more of a hidden meaning imparting the advice that if you race up to a creature you don’t know you will startle and scare them.
Hearts and kisses

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