Hello and welcome. Today we are talking to Talula.

Hi, I am here today to talk to you about my profession as a coroner.

Yes that’s right – (I but in) – so tell us what made you want to be a coroner?

Right, as I was saying –

I decided at an early age to pursue a medical career, not that all coroners have medical degrees – but I do.

It all started when my brother went missing in the woods. Dad was busy and I was supposed to be looking after him, but I got distracted. So when I realised I went looking for him.  Dad and I always carried around his eppi pens because he’s allergic to bee stings. (Talula sighs).

(I learn forward) What happened?

I went into the woods following my brothers path of broken branches and footprints. That’s when I heard the buzzing. I ran. Found him face down in the dirt. I remember jabbing him with his eppi pen.

It saved his life – thank God!

Thank God. So why not become a nurse or doctor then?

(Talula smiles). I could have. But I found I had a talent for noticing the abnormalities in people, the things that may have effected them without anyone noticing.

Besides, I found all of that bed side manor – taxing. A job came up – so I went for it. (She grabs a sip of water and comfys herself).

(I sit back in my chair). So do you consider you job a service to the people?

Yes, of course! If I can figure out how and when and what time a person dies then I am helping the police and the victim’s family – am I not?

Yes, yes of course. (I gulp). Coroners are a very important part of the investigation teams. So can you tell us about what happens when an autopsy is preformed?

(Talula raises an eye borrow). Sure. First, we suit up – don’t want any foreign objects interfering with the results. (Smiles). Then I or one of my team preform an external examination – taking notes / photographs of any interesting marks. We also take tissue samples, bloods and x-rays before continuing to an internal examination looking for foreign objects, punctures and such forth.

Okay- (I am feeling slightly sick now.) How long does a body have before rigor mortis sets in?

Between two – six hours. (Leans forwards rubbing her hands together). Next?

What is the most annoying part of your job?

Waiting for an investigator to determine the immediate death details before I can get onto the crime scene.

Okay, last one. Don’t you find it in the least bit scary that you’re dealing with dead bodies all the time?

Yes, but it’s not the dead people, it’s the psychopath that killed them that scare me. (Chuckles).

Wonderful! Thankyou Talula for talking to us today to finish our National Crime Reading month and thank you everyone for tuning in.

Heart and kisses

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