Okay, so today we are going to explore the puzzles or crime and how a detective can solve them.

Most people know that detectives carry notebooks and pens to take statements from witnesses and notes about the crime scene as well as any evidential weapons.

But there biggest tools in this sick scenario of cat and mouse is their mind. They are generally extremely clever people with minds that can weasel out the hardest of puzzles.

One of their key tools in a crime scene is their senses.

Touch – is the body still warm? (If so the murder cannot be far away because the victim was killed only a short while ago).

Sound – Are there any reports from witnesses about strange noises that could co-inside with the time of death – a loud bang perhaps? (This may indicate a gun shot or heavy blow).

Sight – Is there anything that could be treated as a murder weapon in relation to the wound – a knife, fire poker / log or something less obvious?

Smell – Does the air carry a strange or significant aroma? (Maybe gas / or the scent of a woman’s perfume in a house belonging solely to a man).

All of these can give you subtle little clues that some people miss when writing crime fiction. I myself keep a human senses chart to help to remind me .

Timelines are often used to track a person’s whereabouts at the time of the murder and can be an extremely useful tool along with police records, to find and convict the guilty persons.

Hope you enjoyed this puzzles blog.

Hearts and Kisses

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